The goal of humanity is to achieve One World, One Religion, One Language despite of any religious or gender with a feel of Vasudhaika Kutumbha (World as one family). Spleen and Heart organs are present in every human. From spleen, energy of Soham will connect with star Vega from heart and work till Sahasrara chakra or pineal gland. This will happen in all of us during twilight time. If this is captured with moon’s rays called Sushumna and Suradhana, many diseases can be cured. In any yuga, the history of earth is moving as per the instructions received from Great Bear or Ursa Major constellation. The peculiarity of the current age is the Great Bear constellation at the time of Atlantian came into Earth’s region, to be more detail, Earth as part of its revolution came into the Great Bear constellation that existed at the time of Atlantian or Mahabharata period. Along with the energy of Ursa Major, the energy of yoga maya at time of Lord Krishna also started influencing from February 1999. From this entire humanity has received fortunity to travel along with the new world of light. The one who knows about the puranas are aware of the Experiment of Weapon knowledge or Brahmastra prayoga. 5000 years ago Krishna had submissed the knowledge of Weapons to stop the Brahmastra sent by Aswadhama. From then no one was able to use Brahmastra. Many doesnot know that Lord Krishna has stopped the misuse of any kind of weapons by humanity. After explaining Bhagavatgita to Arjuna, Lord Krishna has revealed the secrets of weapons. 4th chapter of Bhagavat gita says about the how Sound energy works in our body. The knowledge of Weapon that was forbidden by Lord Krishna is released by Sri Sri Rama Krishna as Omkara practice. The knowledge of Yoga preached by Krishna is brought by him as Sun,Moon and Fire education to the entire world.
Temple in Man
The word Om says about the knowledge of Yoga. Lord Dattatreya has the name of Smartugami. Smartugami means who immediately responds to the evocation. All the gurus or Masters are incarnations of Lord Dattatreya. If we meditate Guru or God with practice of Om we will definitely receive the touch of him. For this there are two kinds of practice established by Rushis, one is Salutation to Twilight and other is meditation. How 33 lords reside as 3 crores of lords in the Temple of Human body in Nature is explained by the knowledge of Sun,Moon and Fire. Dwadishyadityulu from Sun, Sodashi(16) from Moon, pavaka, pavamana and Suchi from Fire will work. Formation of Panchakosha, 6 chakras and 3 glands by Agni in human body is termed at Chaturdasha Bhuvana Vidya. The basis of our thought lies in Endocrine system. The way secretions are present in us and the speed at which they work. So if we change the secretions of endocrine system thoughts of humanity can be changed. This is called formation of NewAge. Daivi chetanatva or Divine consciousness to the humanity has been given by great Sri Sri Ramakrishna (Master RK) .
A God Realized Life
Master RK in the name of VIBGYOR VEDIC TRUST has explained the knowledge to humanity given by 14 gurus to the disciples. In his ashram he has given the yoga knowledge of 7 Masters. 7 groups of Masters always guide their disciples on the earth. The goal of all this is one, ie. Omkara. None can start the knowledge of time without pronouncing Om. That’s why with Om sound the touch or sparsa of Masters will reach their disciples all the time. With 21 Omkara in Samardha Sadguru Sparsa he has given this practice. Though he has explained the 14 masters, to learn the yoga knowledge preached by him he has formed the group as God Realized Life.